4/2/21, Good Friday-
12 p.m. Living Stations of the Cross
and 3 p.m. Good Friday Mass
will be live streamed on Facebook (to view, search Facebook for 'olgcpchi'; if you have not done so, please request to be 'friended' with the OLGC Facebook account). Also, you can go to Youtube channel 'OLGC Church Pearl City' to view Mass streaming and replay.
4/4/21, Easter Sunday -
8:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass
will be live streamed on Facebook (to view, search Facebook for 'olgcpchi'; if you have not done so, please request to be 'friended' with the OLGC Facebook account). Also, you can go to Youtube channel 'OLGC Church Pearl City' to view Mass streaming and replay.