We are the “behind the scenes ministry” composed of twelve (12) members who dedicate their time on Saturdays and others who change altar covers for daily Masses. Members are made up of four (4) teams and scheduled to one of the Saturdays of the month. Work starts at 8:00 a.m. and finishes after an hour except the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. Meetings are scheduled on the fifth Saturdays of a month that has five. New members are given actual training by working with a member. The oldest member is 86 years old and the longest service is 39 years. The average number of years our members serve is nine (9) years.
There are many varied duties involved in this ministry, all done with reverence. We prepare the altar, Sanctuary, sacred vessels and sacred linens the best possible way we can, worthy for the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Our duties involve sewing, washing, ironing and changing altar covers and credence tables according to the liturgical colors. In the Sanctuary, other duties are dusting, oiling, polishing, sweeping, mopping, changing banners, covering the statues including the big Crucifix and the processional Cross on the fifth Sunday of Lent and uncovering them on Palm Sunday. The big holy water receptacle is cleaned and replaced with blessed clean water used to fill up the cleaned holy water fonts.
Sacred vessels, sacred linens and book covers are cleaned with reverence also. Sacred linens are prepared with special treatment (unlike our ordinary household linens), that take more time and effort, done in our homes with extra care. Sacristy counter tops, sinks, floor and refrigerator are also cleaned. Priests’ vestments are laundered after each liturgical season.
We urge you to please consider joining our ministry. If you are interested to give your time and talent, be a good steward, and would like more information, please call our Parish Office at (808) 455-3012. Please remember what St. Peter wrote about stewardship, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” Peter 4:10
Testimonies of members:
“I have been a member of the ministry since 1989. I love being a member and enjoy cleaning the House of God. The Altar Care Ministry contributes to the cleanliness and dignity of the Parish worship. The church most of all, the Altar, should be pristine at all times. It is the center for the observance of the Lord’s Supper and the commemoration of His death. This ministry, I can say, is the most thrilling of all work, and is spiritual in nature. Everything that is used in the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the chalice down to the linens on the table, the purificators, the candles, etc, are all sacred. We should show respect for all the things we clean in the service of God. Everything that I do, I offer it for the love of God.”
“It is my great privilege to serve in the Altar Care Ministry. The skills needed to serve are simple ones that most of us already have, but the key is willingness to serve with all your heart. We contribute to the cleanliness of the altar, which adds dignity to our church worship. For the past two weeks, I was grateful for having experienced washing and ironing the sacred linens. At first I was a little bit scared and worried if I could do the work correctly even though there were instructions to follow. I could not take out the lipstick stains, so I prayed to God for assistance. I was excited and happy because God was working with me. I truly believe that God works in so many ways because I felt like God was washing away my sins. Doing this duty made me realized how much time is involved, but I never regret it. I also found relief and comfort laundering the sacred linens. I will do it again. Please pray for all ministries.”