1) We have created a new sign up database for attendance of the weekend Masses. We have entered the information we received from the surveys you filled out. You will no longer have to sign up every week. We will NOT BE mailing out tickets as originally planned. The Ushers will have a list of names when you check in.
If you did not turn in a survey form, and would like to sign up for a Mass, please call the office at 455-3012.
2) Beginning Monday, we will no longer have the 6 pm Mass during the week. Thank you to those who participated. Daily Mass will still be celebrated at 6:30 am and no sign up is necessary.
3) Thank you to all those who have generourly donated to the food pantry. Our shelves have been filled again! You may drop off donations at the office Monday through Fridays during office hours. Thank you for assisting our brothers and sisters during this difficult time.
4) When receiving communion, please remain at your seats. The Priest or Eucharistic ministers will come to you. Only stand up, if you are receiving Communion. It is strongly recommended that you receive communion by hand.
5) Please bring disinfecting wipes to clean the area where you are seated before and after Mass.