During the entire month of September, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church will once again be participating in Foodland/Sack-N-Save Supermarket’s “Give Aloha Program.”.
Please consider making you donations to our parish through Foodland Supermarkets instead of putting you donations in the weekly collection baskets. We will receive all donations made through this program at the end of the month and Foodland and Western Union will match a portion of all contributions!
To make a donation to Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, take you Maikai Card to you nearest Foodland or Sack-N-Save store and tell them that you would like to
make a donation to our Church, OLGC’s organization code is 78489.
Take the receipt that show your donation and put it in your tithing envelope (please, no food receipts). If you do not receive tithing envelopes, please put the receipt in a blank envelope and write “Give Aloha” on it with your name, address and phone number included. You may put your envelope in the collection basket or drop it off at our parish office.
We will credit your donation on your tax statement at the end of the year. Matching funds given to us by Foodland Supermarkets and Western Union will go to the OLGC Building Fund.