Announcements for October 24 & 25, 2020
Dispensation From Bishop Larry Silva
Bishop Larry Silva has extended the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass through the month of December. For those with health concerns, we encourage you to continue to view our Masses via our live streams.
All Souls Day
All Souls Day will be coming soon. Envelopes are available at the sign in table for those who wish to remember their deceased loved ones throughout the month of November. Please fill out your envelopes at home. If you have more names you would like to add, you may write them on a separate sheet of paper and place it in the envelope. Envelopes can be dropped off at the office, mailed, or placed in the offertory box. We will place all of the names in a special box and will be praying for them at every Mass during the month ofNovember.
All Souls Memorial Mass
On Monday, November 2, we will be holding an All Souls Memorial Mass and Candle lighting service. If you would like to remember a loved one who passed away during the past year, please contact the parish office. This Mass will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person. Please visit our website for the link to the Mass and other important information.
We are once again offering confession between 4 -5 pm on Saturdays. Because we still cannot use the confessional, we will have a priest available in the Parish Pastoral Center. Sign in at the front of the church and an usher will instruct you where to sit. Observe social distancing while you wait. Please note that no one will be allowed into the Church or Pastoral Center before 4 pm. Confessions by appointment is still an option.
Fraudulent Emails
There have been several fraudulent emails going around that appear to be from
Fr Santhosh. Some ask for gift cards or money, others ask to reply to the email for “assistance with something.” Please do not respond to these emails. If you receive an email or text message from any priest and you are unsure if it is genuine, feel free to call the parish office to verify if it is real.
There are two fliers on the parish bulletin board with helpful tips on how to detect email and internet scams. These were sent to us by the Diocese because October is “Cyber Awareness Month.” Please be cautious.