We welcome walk ins. Be sure to check in at the usher’s table before being seated.
Due to the alarming rise in the number of Covid-19 cases new State and City and County mandates were issued. The Diocese of Honolulu has set new guidelines for Masses based on the mandates. We are unfortunately no longer allowed to sing at Mass until the mandates are lifted.
For those who are a higher risk for severe illness, the CDC recommends that you remain at home. Bishop Lary Silva has extended the dispensation from obligation to attend Mss on Sunday through the month of October. If you are at risk, please consider viewing our live stream Masses from the comfort and safety of your home.
Please continue to practice social distancing both inside and outside of the Church and according to the State mandate, everyone must wear a mask at all times. If you have breathing difficulties which prevents the safe use of a mask, the City & County mandates that you use a face shield at the very least with a medical certification of your condition at the ready.
We strongly recommend that you receive Communion in the hand for the health and safety of all. During Communion, please remain at you seats. The Priest or Eucharistic ministers will come to you. Stand up at your seat only if you are receiving Communion.
Please bring disinfecting wipes to clean the area where you are seated before and after Mass. Please do not leave trash or the used wipes in the church. Trash containers are available outside the church doors.
Contributions may be placed in the box marked 'Offertory'.
Due to mandates against large gatherings, the school's Golf tournament which was scheduled to be held on August 21st was postponed until a later date. We are hopeful it will be in the Spring. Please call the school office if you are interested in this unique opportunity to support our school.
A first-grade teaching or assistant position is now available here at Our Lady of Good Counsel School. Please call the school office if you're interested in servicing our school as an elementary teacher in this first-grade teaching capacity. Any applicant must be a practicing Catholic.