Per new Diocese guidelines, Communion to the homebound and hospitals are now allowed. Please call the parish office if you or a relative wish to receive communion.
Catholic Charities Hawaii has announced that they have received Federal Funding to be used for those who are in need of rental assistance. If you or someone you know are having trouble paying rent, please consider reaching out to Catholic Charities. For more information, please visit their website at: or leave a message on their intake and information line at 521-4357.
The deadline to register for OLGC Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation Programs is ongoing. Please go to the Faith Formation tab on our website at: for the forms.
An online meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council and Cohesiveness Committee will be held on Wednesday, October 14 not October 7 as previously announced. All ministry leaders or a representative should be in attendance. If you did not receive the email regarding this meeting, please call or email the parish office.
We highly encourage those of you who request Mass Intentions to call or email our parish office with your intention. If you do put your intention into the collection, our office staff may not see it for a week or more due to Covid-19 restrictions. We are not allowed to touch the envelopes for almost a week after the Masses. Thank you for your understanding.
Finally, this weekend, we celebrate “Priesthood Sunday!” Please pray for our priests during Mass today. We also suggest sending a note of encouragement or doing a similarly kind gesture.