by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
Christian discipleship involves many elements, beginning with our response in faith to the Lord’s invitation. In Stewardship:A Disciple's Response; A Pastoral Letter on Stewardship, our Bishops remind us that stewardship is indeed part of thedisciple’s life.
The Scriptures also provide us with Mary, our Blessed Mother, both as the perfect disciple and the perfect steward. In the Annunciation, the Father, through the archangel Gabriel, called Mary to say “Yes” to the overshadowing by the Holy Spirit and thus become that vessel through whom the promised Redeemer of all creation would enter our broken world.
Even beyond her complete understanding of this event, she accepted this gift in trust and faith as God’s humble handmaid. Then immediately, she ventured to the hill country to visit Elizabeth to share this “good news,” responding to Elizabeth’s greeting with the Magnificat — the disciple’s plan of action.
What we have and what we are — material and spiritual — are and always will be a gift and, like Mary, we should beshared with others that they may come to know and love her son and our Lord!
During Jesus’ life and ministry, even to Calvary, she lived out her faith — ever mindful of that original call to stewardship — caring for the One given to her in such an extraordinary way, and ultimately giving Him to us.