by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
By: Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
“Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.” – Colossians 3:2
On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, Who died and rose for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia.”
Let’s try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year. Pray daily and listen for how He is calling each of us to joyfully use our gifts to fulfill His salvation plan. (reprinted with permission of Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO)
Renceh Flojo: To me Easter is a time for recollection, a
time to thank God for all the wonderful blessings He has
bestowed upon us. It is a time to die and rise from the sins
of the past and to follow Jesus through His resurrection.
Fran Morris: Easter is what it’s ALL about! After attending the Friday night Stations of the Cross during Lent, and meditating daily on how much Jesus suffered for me and how much HE loves me, it gives me so much more JOY on Easter morning. It’s a joy beyond expression – HE died for me & my sins and by HIS resurrection, HE has made it possible for me/us to be with HIM for all eternity. How very blessed we Easter people are!
Nina Alyssa Manrique: When I was a child, my understanding of Easter was Easter bunnies and receiving Easter baskets filled with candies. Now that I’m older, I know that Easter is a time to rejoice. Jesus has risen to come and save us and
whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.
Sage Valdez: Easter is a special day because this is when Jesus resurrected to save us from sin. For me, Easter is one of the most important days in the year to celebrate Jesus. This is why I celebrate Easter with my family.
Emi Matsumoto: Easter reminds me that Jesus loves me by giving His life ... suffering and dying on the cross. Easter is special to me because it brings my family together in God’s name.