Chastity Retreat for High School Youth Grades 9-12 Our Lady of Good Counsel *Saturday, May 10, 2014 8:45am Welcome * 9:00am - 4:30pm Retreat 5:00pm Mass (Blessing and Receiving of Rings) 6:00 - 7:30pm Family Potluck Celebration
Fee $10.00 (for lunch) * Rings and other expenses do-nated by Aloha Life Advocates (Hawaii Right to Life)
We will be celebrating and discussing a gift we have been given by God: The gift of our sexuality. It will challenge each teen to treasure their God-given gift by living a life of purity and chastity in every relationship that they have. We will introduce the virtue of chastity. There will be a special blessing over all youth participants at the 5:00pm Mass and they will also receive promise rings. After the Mass, youth and their families will gather in the Pastoral Center for a family potluck. All youth participants MUST be registered to attend the retreat. Registration and ring sizing will be after all Masses this weekend. After this weekend, you may register by contacting the Parish Office deadline is Apr. 27.
Speakers: Dcn Tom Miyashiro, Sr. Celeste Cabral, Leilani Asuncion-Tagupa, Lisa Gomes, Kainoa Fukumoto. and other cathechists.