On November 20
th, we will be celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe. This is to mark the end of our current liturgical year as we begin a new Season with the First Sunday of Advent. To celebrate this great feast, we will have a Eucharistic Procession on the day of the Solemnity after the 5:00 PM Mass. We will process around the Church with the Blessed Sacrament to consecrate and offer prayers and sing songs of praise and worship. It will be culminated with a Benediction inside the Church.
On this day, we will also join the universal Church to end the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Our Mass on this Solemnity will also be our gathering to conclude our parish celebration for this special year. You are all invited to join in the celebration of Mass especially on this blessed Sunday that will conclude with the procession.