Announcements for
October 17 & 18, 2020
All Souls Day
All Souls Day will be coming soon. Envelopes are available at the sign in table for those who wish to remember their deceased loved ones throughout the month of November. Please fill out your envelopes at home. If you have more names you would like to add, you may write them on a separate sheet of paper and place it in the envelope. Envelopes can be dropped off at the office, mailed, or placed in the offertory box. We will place all of the names in a special box and will be praying for them at every Mass during the month ofNovember.
On Monday, November 2, we will be holding an All Souls Memorial Mass and Candle lighting service. If you would like to remember a loved one who passed away during the last year, please contact the parish office.
Order Your Christmas Trees and Wreaths Now!
The Advent and Christmas Seasons are quickly approaching. Please consider ordering a real wreath, door charm, or Christmas tree and support our school. Visit to place an order by October 23rd. You will select the kind of tree you want and the location you want to pick up from. Your tickets will arrive by postal mail in November and the pickup date will be December 5. It has been said that there may be a shortage of Christmas trees arriving this year. Purchasing through this website will guarantee you will have the opportunity to select from the trees that are brought in for this event. Please see the church bulletin board or visit our website for more information.
Religious Education
Registration for Faith Formation programs are still ongoing. This includes sacramental preparation for children and adults, religious education for children, and Youth Ministry programs, Please visit our website for registration forms under the Faith Formation tab or call the office for more information.
Nightly Rosary
Our OLGC Youth and Family Ministry continues to pray the rosary nightly live via Facebook. They are looking for families who are interested in leading the rosary for an evening. If you are willing to help, please leave a message for Laurie Munoz at the parish office.
We are once again offering confession between 4 -5 pm on Saturdays. Because we still cannot use the confessional, we will have a priest available in the church courtyard. Sign in at the front of the church and wait inside, observing social distancing, until the priest is free to see you. Do not enter the courtyard until it is your turn for confession. Please let the volunteer know if you are not staying for the Vigil Mass. Confessions by appointment is still an option.