Our Parish Lenten Mission, “Living the Stewardship a Way of Life Through the Disciplines of Lent”, by Very Reverend AndrewKemberling, V.F., Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul in Denver, Colorado held March 12-14, 2018 was focused on stewardship – time, talent and treasure. Let’s focus on treasure for this article.
“Tithe” is a biblical word meaning “first fruits”; it is personal income set apart as an offering to God. Tithing, centered on God and given freely and willingly is in thanksgiving for our blessings. It is not what is leftover. Tithing is what is taken outbefore anything else.
In the last 15 years, Fr. Andrew has made four mission trips to Tuguegarao in the Philippines, where poverty is a way of life, electricity was scarce and outside resources nearly nonexistent. However, Tuguegarao is a family-centered culture, which
could not be taught from the pulpit. Their faith was an integral part of their church. With 38 modules, Fr. Andrew helped organize thousands of catechists to start at the same time, to teach stewardship as a way of life. Parishioners were willing to sacrifice what little they had to the glory of God, followingone another’s good example and having trust in their priest. Even after three devastating typhoons, three feet of mud and debris, the destruction of their church and even the death of two priests and countless others, parishioners insisted that Mass be held and collection be made in order for them to thank God for being alive. Despite the widespread damage and theneed for resources to rebuild not only their church but their community as well, people attended Mass and tithed the exact same amount as before the disaster. It is not the amount of the gift, it is the sacrifice made, without question, to God. Fr. Andrew says, “Because the materially poor of our world are told that they have nothing to give they neglect the treasure theycould give if they would only find meaning in their sufferings. Soon the poor realize that the visible gift given represents an unseen reality. Gratitude teaches us to be thankful and helps us focus on what we have, and not on what we lack.”
OLGC is a stewardship parish. We are seeking to make stewardship a way of life in our parish. Jesus uses tithing as a financial metaphor. “Jesus paid a price he did not owe because we owed a price wecould not pay.”