by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
Lent is a time of reflection of our own brokenness, soul searching, introspection of our relationship with God, others and ourselves, self-denial and discipline. It is time away from the material world and quiet time with the Lord in observance of the three pillars of Lent which are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Here are some ideas we can avail of right here in our parish: Prayer: Daily Mass, spending time in the Blessed Sacrament (open 24/7), reciting the Rosary individually or in a group, praying together (Blessed Mother Prayer Group, Charismatic Prayer Group, Neocatechumenal Way), Stations of the Cross, reading the Scripture and meditation.
Fasting: Abstain from food, drinks, social media are some examples. Almsgiving: Help the needy (OLGC Outreach, missions), increase weekly church donation and spend time with those who need our help.