by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
Summertime and the living is easy. That’s what the favorite old song says. The living may be easy, but often the giving is not. Summer collections often drop significantly in our parish because of vacation travel, sports schedules and other activities that cause parishioners to attend Mass in other parishes. If you would like to make your giving easy and consistent this summer, please consider our electronic giving option. Currently several parish families are using this simple and secure way to make and track their parish giving. If you would like to learn more, please contact the Parish Office at 455-3012 or check out our website at for the online giving link.
Many of our parish families are planning to get away for some summer fun and relaxation in the next few months. We pray that your vacation time will be safe and a source of many happy memories. However, please don’t take your parish offering with you. Each summer our parish office struggles to juggle the bills as Sunday offerings decrease significantly.
If you find that you tend to forget your envelope more often during the less structured weeks of summer, please consider our electronic giving program. It’s simple! It’s safe! And it keeps God at the top of your giving list even when you’re away!
(excerpts reprinted with permission of Archdiocese of St. Louis)