A great big Mahalo to All who worked so hard to make the Blessing of our new PASTORAL CENTER such a big success. Everyone enjoyed themselves, had enough to eat and joined in fellowship, getting to know each other better and renewing old acquaintances
Marriage and Family Forum is conducting a logo contest that will convey the message of what a Christian mar-riage and family have to be. The Marriage and Family Forum has its aim to promote, sustain and enrich Chris-tian marriage and family.
We had been waiting for this moment to have a pastoral center to be built in our midst. After all the praying, planning, building and waiting we are now looking forward to have this new building blessed. Come, on Sep-tember 27 at 4:00 PM to celebrate mass led by our beloved Bishop of Honolulu, Most Rev. Larry Silva,
Parent Orientation: Saturday, Sept. 10th 9:00-10:00am in the church.
Religious Education Classes begins Sunday, Sept. 11th:
This year we will be implementing the mandate from the Bishop’s office that the First Communion program is now a two year program.
Natural Family Planning can help you achieve or postpone pregnancy. This simple, yet highly effective method, is safe, natural and compatible with Church teaching. Pree instruction, comes with booklet, chart, stamps and confidentiality.
Based on over 30 years of research at the University of Denver, the CPREP approach is a program signed by experts to help couples build lasting, loving relationships and prevent divorce.
September 8 is a day to celebrate the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To celebrate this occasion of our Blessed Mother’s birthday two masses will be offered.