Our Lady of Good Counsel School welcomes new teachers. By Mrs. Chantelle Luarca Interim School Principal. Congratulations: Melody Anzai - Preschool teacher assistant, after school care program leader and summer program teacher. Catherine Garnsey - 3rd Grade Teacher Kathleen Weber - Assistant in Information Technology
The purpose of an Altar Server is assisting the principal celebrant in the celebration of the Holy Mass. "The hidden beauty of this ministry is the fruits of their labor beyond the altar. They grow in their Catholic identity, build character and create lifelong "Sister-Brotherhood"relationships. It truly is an ohana ministry," said Rose Sumida, co-coordinator.
Our Lady of Good Counsel School Welcomes New Teachers By: Chantelle Luarca Interim School Principal Bernice Quidayan, Kindergarten Teacher Agueda "Joanna" Alvardo, First Grade Teacher Kristofferson Angobung, Religion Teacher
OLGC MUSIC MINISTRY WELCOMES Steve Angrisano In Concern Friday, Sept 8th a 7:00 pm OLGC Church Please RSVP to Bob Mariano at 808-388-1581 or Sharie Quibilan at olgcyouthchoir@gmail.com Donations welcome. Carpooling recommended. Seating is limited.
The first session for the next RCIA classes will be held on Tuesday, August 15, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. All adults interested in receiving initiation rites of Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation, as well as those baptized Christians who wish to be received into the Catholic Church, are encouraged to attend. Anyone interested in understanding why we Catholics do what we do are also welcomed.