by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
Mindfulness according to the dictionary is the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. One of the key elements of being good stewards of OLGC Church is how mindful we are in overseeing this facility that has been entrusted to us.
SCHOOL NEWS - SUPPORTING HIGH ACHIEVEMENT OF ALL STUDENTS By Chantelle Luarca, Interim School Principal Our Lady of Good Counsel School- OLGCS uses assessment processes to collect data. The teachers analyze student performance data and use the analysis as a basis for instructional and curricular improvement. The Terra Nova, the Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (ACRE) standardized tests, and the Educational Consultants and Research Associates Writing Tests (ECRA), and are administered to our students annually to measure student content knowledge in relation to National Standards. The Terra Nova test is administered to grades 2 through 8 annually in the month of October and is currently being used today in the assessment of student achievement of Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science. To help analyze data, teachers dedicate faculty meetings to help interpret data from the Terra Nova report. Administration and teachers meet as a collective team and within the subject
by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
STEWARDSHIP CORNER - DIVINE INSPIRATION by: Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson Peter Nguyen’s creativity in designing the OLGC nativity scene started 12 years ago when upon seeing the nativity outside the church, began to ponder on how he could help tonot only redesign it but possibly relocate it inside the church.
My name is Andrew Ancheta II. I attended Our Lady of Good Counsel school from preschool three to the eighth grade and graduated in the year 2013. Having spent eleven years of my life at OLGC school I can confidently say I would not have attended any other institution for my elementary education. Words cannot convey the pride and gratitude I have for Our Lady of Good Counsel school; the positive and family oriented environment played a pivotal role in my development as a catholic individual. It was here where I read and analyzed the Word of God, but more importantly it was here where I learned to translate those words into actions.
by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
STEWARDSHIP CORNER - OUR YOUTHS GIVE BACK by: Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson In today’s society, influenced by consumerism, majority of children seem to want more and more for themselves. How do we teach our children to think of others by generously sharing their time and talent? Most children at OLGC are already doing some acts of stewardship without being aware of it.
Hau’oli Makahiki Hou! This week, the students returned to school to begin the third quarter of the school year. At the end of 2017, we reflected on all of our achievements as a community, and most importantly the individual growth of each of our students. It’s been a true blessing to see the way that our students have responded and developed. We see the improvement in our students’ learning and we’re proud to witness our students working towards their goals and fulfilling them! Whether the growth is spiritual, academic, physical, social or emotional, it is important to all of our faculty and staff members. It is our priority to work together as models of Christ. The successful projects you read about weekly could not have happened without YOU- our church community, our parents, and staff members. I thank God for the many gifts He has given to our school. We humbly ask that you continue praying with us to fulfill this mission.
by Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson
STEWARDSHIP CORNER - A FAMILY OF VOLUNTEERS By: Bernadette V. Cabe, Stewardship Committee Chairperson An interview with Nora Salvador… How long have you & Rudy been parishioners of OLGC? We have been parishioners of OLGC since 1970 (47 years).
Fr. the desk of Fr. Pascual G. Abaya IV, Fr. Alfred Omar Guerrero and Dcn. Efrain and Dcn Tom. BIG MAHALO! I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you, our Vibrant and Varied Ministries coming together and individual parishioners for your Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure. Our celebrations for the big festivities of our faith had been commended by our visitors and our own parishioners for the well-organized liturgies, decorations and fellowship. True enough that if all of us come together and share whatever we have and can do, we reap good fruits from our good labor. You have done a wonderful job and I know that you all did these for the love of Jesus and Mary and of course our Parish Ohana, OLGC. Kudos! It is my hope and prayer that as we continue to journey in this New Year, we all continue to work together. To build not only the physical structure of our Church but more so as a community of Faith sharing in the mission of Christ. In this way, we continue to witness to Jesus for the next generations to come. Once again, Big Mahalo and may all your goodness be rewarded a hundredfold by the graciousness of God. Fr. Pascual G. Abaya IV Agngina! Faafetai! A newly ordained priest never forgets his first assignment and certainly his first Christmas as a preist. Since my arrival here in July, my ministry has been non-stop but I am truly grateful to be assigned here at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. I am so overwhelmed by your welcome and generosity of Time, Talent, and Treasure. This Christmas Season was no exception. Thank you for your Christmas greetings and generous gifts! May God bless you abundantly. I look forward to continue working alongside you all in the vineyard of the Lord! Fr. Alfred Omar Thank You! We, your Deacons, are very thankful for the many gifts we received during this Christmas Season. We are so blessed to be serving you as deacons. From our families to yours, we continue to wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Holy New Year! Deacon Efrain and Deacon Tom
Our Lady of Good Counsel School provides a variety of activities, events, and celebrations to build the Catholic Identity of the school. The school is a community built on faith where Jesus Christ is the focal point and recognizes and maintains practices that support the standards of Catholic Identify- Mission and Philosophy, Prayer and Sacraments, Curriculum, Catechist Certification, Parents as the Primary Educators, Service, Signs and Sacramentals, and Evangelization
Each week for the past five months, ministries and affiliated groups were featured in the bulletin. The articles consisted of not only photos of members but also description of ministries and testimonies of members. Through these articles, we got to know about the ministries’ and groups’ activities wherein the members generously share their time, talent and treasure. The testimonies mentioned in the articles relayed the members’ sincere reasons why they joined the ministries. Majority of the members shared the same reason which is to give back to the Lord the gifts He has given them by sharing them in turn to others. This is truly a confirmation of who we really are - stewards of God’s gifts and blessings. “ Much wll be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” Luke 12:48. Stewardship is a way of life. Who we are and what we have is God’s gift to us. It is our responsibility to take good care of all what God has given us by using them wisely and sharing them generously. “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10. Gifts of time, talent and treasure are given to us to bless others.