“Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have to pay him homage.” – Matthew 2:2. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, which means the manifestation of the Lord as the King of the Universe. Jesus manifested through these three wise men who came in search of the newborn King of the Jews. This celebration invites us, in a concrete manner, to accept and acknowledge Jesus as the King of the Universe. Not just to the Jews, but to the whole world. This feast is an affirming inspiration for all those who seek the Lord to find Him who reveals Himself to us. The manifestation of God is not according to our standards or ways but rather happens in a unique non-traditional manner beyond our human expectation and calculations. This manifestation takes place in each one’s life when we welcome and accept God as our Savior and Lord. Through His manifestation, God makes us to be stars for others to bring them to the Lord. May we all accept this great invitation and be stars of Christ for others to see His Light. May Our Lady of Good Counsel intercede for us. God bless.