Help is available for seniors living on Oahu who want to be vaccinated but are unable to get an appointment and/or transportation to a vaccination site
Confession will not take place before the 3/27 and 4/3/21 5 pm Mass. This is so the Pastoral Center can be open for seating for Palm Sunday and Easter liturgy.
3/19/21, Friday, 7 pm, Stations of the Cross - Livestreaming --- Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent will be streamed on Facebook (to view, search Facebook for 'olgcpchi'; if you have not done so, please request to be 'friended' with the OLGC Facebook account) at 7 pm. Replay will be posted afterwards to Youtube channel 'OLGC Church Pearl City'.
Lenten Mission presentation by Reverend Lane Akiona, SS.CC, will be live streamed on Facebook Live (to view, search Facebook for 'olgcpchi'; if you have not done so, please request to be 'friended' with the OLGC Facebook account) at 7 pm. Replay will be posted afterwards to Youtube channel 'OLGC Church Pearl City'.
Dispensation to End Easter Sunday, Fr. Joseph Leaving Hawaii, Lenten Parish Mission, Registration for Holy Week and Easter Masses, OLGC School Rummage Sale, Parish Projects