There will be no morning Mass livestream for 7/1/21. Volunteer technician unavailable due to doctor appointment. Thank you for your understanding. God Bless.
The Baccalaureate Mass will be livestreamed on the church's Youtube channel 'OLGC Church Pearl City'. Login account not necessary. If you do have a Youtube login, subscribe to receive livestream alerts.
Regular volunteer livestream technician will resume broadcasting the Mass live on BOTH Facebook and Youtube. Must have a Facebook account. Search for 'olgcpchi'. To be on 'friend' list send request to 'olgcpchi'. Facebook account holders will receive livestream alerts. Youtube channel is 'OLGC Church Pearl City'. Login account not necessary. If you have a Youtube login, subscribe to receive livestream alerts.
Livestream will be on Facebook Live. You must have a Facebook account to view. If you have not done so, search for 'olgcpchi' in the 'search Facebook' window at the top and request to be on 'friend' list. FB users will receive an alert before livestream begins. Replay will be posted to olgcphchi Facebook page and to church Youtube channel. Click the title for this news article to directly link to the Youtube channel.
Livestream will be on Facebook Live . You must have a Facebook account to view. If you have not done so, search for 'olgcpchi' in the 'search Facebook' window at the top and request to be on 'friend' list. FB users will receive an alert before livestream begins. Replay will be posted to olgcphchi Facebook page and to church Youtube channel. Click the title for this news article to directly link to the Youtube channel.