Valentine’s Day, February 14th is a special day to celebrate and express the love we have for one another. Love was indeed in the air in our parish on February 14th starting with the celebration of the Holy Mass, our Eucharistic Love. Dressed in red or pink, parishioners gathered at the pastoral center annex for a potluck breakfast prepared by members of various ministries. Some exchanged cards and handed out treats. This group of parishioners, informally called the “Breakfast Club”, meet regularly for breakfast on weekdays. This is an opportunity for them to gather for fellowship, to “talk stories”, swap recipes and share a laughter or two.
This is the greatest LOVE of all:
“For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That everyone who
Believes In Him
Might Not perish
But might have Eternal life.” John3:16