On Sept. 3rd, amidst the threats of Hurricane Lester, our Parish held a Ministry Fair spearheaded by the Stewardship Committee.
Parish registration updates, pre-sign-ups for areas of interest in serving in ministries, parishioner database and spreadsheets, phone calls to parishioners, publication of Ministry Handbook, lay witnessing talks, Stewardship topics during homilies and collaboration with ministries all led up to the Ministry Fair.
Parishioners started to line up at the Pastoral Center even before the doors opened at 9:00 A.M. It was a big turn out! They were greeted by coordinators and members of 26 ministries and affiliated organizations with coffee and pastries. Tables were strategically arranged with visual displays of artistic and awe-inspiring poster boards creatively designed by each ministry, hand-outs, religious items and sign-up sheets. Attendees had the opportunity to go from table to table to explore which ministries they would best fit in by speaking with ministry representatives. Through information and education, one can make an informed decision on which ministry to get involved where they can share their time and talents. Parishioners seemed to appreciate this personal one-on-one contact with the coordinators.
Although looking for new volunteers was not the main purpose of the ministry fair but to increase awareness of the various ministries and programs at our parish, we were delighted to see a fairly large number of sign-ups for various ministries.
On the other section of the Pastoral Center, tables and chairs were set-up for parishioners to gather to relax, enjoy free refreshments and to meet fellow parishioners. There were stories shared, information exchanged, connections formed and new friends made. It was indeed an exciting day of fellowship. For parishioners who didn’t have the opportunity to attend the fair, poster boards and displays remained in place for the Fellowship Weekend and for the walk through of the youth of the parish.
Thank you to Fr. Pascual, Msgr. Ted, Fr Rex, all ministry coordinators and members for your leadership in helping build a vibrant community at OLGC. Thank you to all who responded to this Stewardship call by pledging your time and talents through ministry involvement. Thank you to all current and new volunteers for sharing your God-given gifts. Thank you to Elaine Okamoto and Noni Panen for taking pictures at the fair. (Photo by Elaine Okamoto; reported by Bernadette V. Cabe)