We as Catholics are called to a new life. Blessed Pope John Paul II has reminded us of this under the banner of a "new evangelization". We may sometimes think that once we have reached a certain stage in life that we are finished with our growth and development as Christians. We are in fact never finished. The joy that we once experienced in discovering the wonder of our faith is to constantly refresh us along our way through life. So many times we find that Catholics have not taken advantage of the many opportunities in a parish, beyond their religious education as children. We encourage you to take advantage of the special graces bestowed upon us in the Sacraments of the Catholic Church, as well get involved in the many parish ministries that we offer at Our Lady of Good Counsel.
The whole liturgical life of the Church revolves around the Eucharistic sacrifice and the sacraments. There are seven sacraments in the Church: Baptism, Confirmation or Chrismation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.
Sacraments are "powers that comes forth" from the Body of Christ, which is ever-living and life-giving. They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in his Body, the Church. They are "the masterworks of God" in the new and everlasting covenant.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 1113 & 1116