At all times and in every age, the Church faces unique opportunities and challenges as it proclaims the Good News of God's reign. We are entering a period of new vitality for the Church, a period in which the adult Catholic laity will play a pivotal leadership role in fulfilling the Christian mission of evangelizing and transforming society.
For adults to fulfill their roles in this new era of the Church, their faith formation must be grounded in truth and be life-long. In addition, adult faith must be lively, capable of leadership in the Church and in society, and filled with compassion for others. Regular prayer, a vibrant sacramental life and guidance from the Church’s social teaching sustains and enriches adult faith.
Consequently, adult faith formation is an important catechetical priority at Our Lady of Good Counsel. Please join us in this new venture by attending and planning adult faith formation events, and participating in prayer groups, book clubs and other enrichment activities. With your involvement, OLGC can form adult believers who are eager to articulate the faith they understand, embrace and live.